Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Down the Rabbit Hole?

After about a week of working on my sister and her husband's project I remembered I started a blog. Ha! But meanwhile I found myself getting my toes wet in helping them product market. So much fun searching for information on a topic in which I have no expertise. The resume is mostly done, wish it had some sort of career arc to it. It looks like I'm trying on hats really. Who wants to hire that? I wish I could be Tim Ferriss: human guinea pig! Try new stuff ALL THE TIME. Written out like that it looks doable, it's the fear holding me back, the worry about making a living to support the family. What WOULD I dare if I knew I couldn't fail? I gotta get that coffee cup...

Today's dream is to get a not so challenging job and do something on the side. The not so challenging job would be in a different field, I'd probably have to take a pay cut, and I'd have some incentive to make the side business a success. What would that be like? Pretty satisfying, especially if the side business was good enough to sustain us. That would be awesome. Again: what would I dare if I knew I couldn't fail?

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